Mobile Internet has become quite common, especially in developed countries, and developing countries are also building the necessary infrastructure for it, because it can really promote growth. Despite that fact, delivering mobile internet cheap enough can be challenging. Many developed countries are working hard to reduce mobile Internet prices, although a few countries have done a good job of reducing mobile Internet prices.
A UK-based price comparison site recently revealed that Israel has the cheapest mobile internet in the world, all things considered. It costs just 4 cents to buy 1GB of data in this Middle Eastern country. This is especially impressive when you consider that second-ranked Italy offers mobile internet at three times the price of Israel!
Still, Italy is doing pretty well, with the average cost of 1GB of internet in the country being about 12 cents. India ranks third with mobile internet at 17 cents per gigabyte, followed by France at 23 cents. China rounds out the top five with an average mobile internet cost of 43 cents per GB.
All that said, leaving it at that, it’s important to note that some of the wealthiest countries in the world are indeed falling behind in this race. In South Korea, 1 GB of mobile internet can cost as much as $12.55, which can make it harder for people to access it.
Switzerland, the US, Japan and Germany also performed poorly here. The cost in Switzerland was $7.37 per GB, while in the US it hovered around $5.62. Meanwhile, in Japan, consumers perceive the cost per gigabyte to be about $3.85, while in Germany the situation isn’t much better, with an average price per gigabyte of $2.67. Germany has the most expensive mobile internet in Europe, while South Korea tops the list in Asia and the rest of the world.

H/T: CableCoUK
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