Rise of the Ronin Team Ninja is the most ambitious game yet, taking the studio’s best elements and combining them into an album of “Greatest Hits.” It’s also the developer’s biggest game yet, featuring an open-world environment filled with side activities to complete and map markers to chase.There are a lot of mechanics here to get familiar with, especially if you haven’t played it yet Ninja Gaiden, Wolong: Fallen Dynastyor Nioh.But don’t worry, I’m here to make your journey into Japan’s Bakumatsu period easier with some advice based on my dozens of hours of exploring Rise of the RoninA vast and gorgeous world.
look up
No doubt you’ve seen gliders in various games and trailers.This gadget is a great way to get around Rise of the Roninof three cities. It effectively turns you into a bird as you soar above houses, pagodas, and trees, but you may be wondering how and when to deploy it. Well, you do need to be some distance above the ground to press X to make the glider wings expand. However, if you look up, you’ll see that not only are there grab points that allow you to easily reach the rooftops, but there are also launch points on those rooftops that allow you to instantly use your glider. The best part: you can chain grapples together. So if you see a launch point mid-flight, you can use your grappling hook to quickly get to that point and launch yourself to another glider hang in a burst of speed. It’s almost like being in a biplane and admiring the beautiful scenery from above.
bring allies

during certain tasks Rise of the Roninyou will be pushed into a linear level, with Nioh or Wolong: Fallen Dynasty. In some cases, these stages are completely isolated from the rest of the game’s open world, and allow you to recruit up to two allies to make any difficult enemy encounters more manageable. You should really bring a gang with you, not just because some of the thugs are awesome, but because you’ll get some bonuses for having allies in your party. Some provide passive benefits, such as increasing the damage you deal or making healing items more effective, and all of them add temporary buffs to your various stats. But more importantly, it gives you the opportunity to increase your bond with them, which is good for increasing your effectiveness in combat.
make some friends
When it comes to strengthening ties with gangs, be kind to others Rise of the RoninThe various characters are very important to the progression of the character you create. When you invite someone on a mission, give them a gift, or say something kind and reasonable, you deepen your relationship with the character. Doing so will in turn increase their efficiency and stats in combat, making them stronger and more resilient the more often you rely on them and treat them correctly. Additionally, increasing your connection to certain characters, such as the anti-shogunate warriors Ryoma Sakamoto and Gensai Kusaka, can deepen your understanding of their fighting styles. Not only does this allow you to unlock new moves for that fighting style, it also increases its damage and performance. So, even though it may hurt you at times, make sure you get along.
Find cats and kill escapees
There are many activities to do Rise of the Ronin. From horseback archery training to the casino, you’ll find that your time will quickly run out if you try to do it all. However, if you want to prioritize any of the optional objectives, it should be the Cat and the Runaway. In addition to playing cute snuggle animations, Find and pet cats Skill points can be generated for the Charisma attribute, which allows you to influence others and speak fluently in conversations. Meanwhile, chasing down and killing criminals – the exact opposite of finding and petting cats – provides skill points for your Strength attribute. There are other ways to get skill points for the other two attributes (Dexterity and Intelligence), but since so much of this game is about fighting and gossiping, I would focus on improving your Charisma and Strength first. Don’t worry, you can reallocate your skill points later.
Take advantage of the “auto” setting

Rise of the Ronin There are many settings to modify, but the most convenient are all those that automatically perform certain actions. A myriad of automatic in-game actions can be toggled under “User Accessibility” in the Options menu: aim, combo, crouch, collect items, climb ladders, and grab ropes. Turning them on avoids the frustration of having to remember how to perform these operations. It’s not a hassle for them to do it themselves. For example, crouch defaults to L3. But having it done automatically for you allows you to focus more on the environment and gameplay rather than the details of the mechanics. It’s a nice little quality of life choice.
Always return masked banner
Rise of the Ronin It has some soul elements, such as upgrade resources called karma that you lose when you die.You’ll want to pay attention to this, as you may have a bunch of karma and not even realize it until you return to Veil’s Edge Banner, this game’s version of dark soul‘ Bonfire rest point. When you return to the Hidden Edge Banner, the karma you earned (displayed in the upper right corner of the screen) will be stored. It goes from this unusable resource to skill points for your character and its attributes. Of course, when you lose karma, you lose the opportunity to increase your stats. But if you kill the enemy that killed you, you get your karma back, plus get a little reward for completing your vendetta. But remember, all that karma is wasted if you don’t get the Veil’s Edge Banner, so be sure to get it back to one.
Don’t give money to those damn beggars
when you cross Rise of the RoninIn all three cities, you will encounter some beggars who sound very old. They would ring small bells in run-down villages or at turnoffs on dirt roads and beg for ridiculous sums of money. Do not do this! It doesn’t matter how much you give them because eventually they will turn on you and get tired of the measly amount of money you dole out. I gave one of the beggars three piles of money in one breath, and he still pulled out a big sword and said, “Hand it over, I know you have more!” Obviously, these guys just want this bag, and they will do whatever it takes Pay the price to get it. The worst part is, not only are these guys tough as shit, you can’t even get back the money you gave them for killing them. They are literally a money pit.
Take advantage of different difficulty settings

Yes, Rise of the Ronin There are difficulty options that can be changed as long as you’re not in the middle of one of these linear levels. Under Game Settings in the Options menu, you’ll see toggles for three difficulty choices: Dawn (Easy), Dusk (Medium), and Twilight (Hard). While I played most of Dusk, I also tried the other two options, and let me tell you, Dawn was no cakewalk. Enemies are still fierce and you still die easily, just not as often.So, let it be known, yes you can have one soul– Inspirational game with difficulty settings. I recommend you to use it because trust me, this game can get quite difficult.
Your starting course isn’t as important as you think
Like most Soulslike games, choosing which career you start with isn’t a laborious task.After you create your character at the beginning Rise of the Ronin, you have the option to choose your blade sharpening origin, which affects your starting stats and recommended weapons. However, the situation is not that serious. Once you’ve unlocked your longhouse (your customizable living area) about an hour or two into the story, you’ll have the option to adjust your blade sharpening origin so you can focus on a different set of weapons. Additionally, within your safe house, you’ll have the opportunity to reassign skills, change your character’s gear and appearance, and decorate your living space to gain passive buffs while out and about. So, yeah, don’t worry too much about how you look or what your starting class is. It’s all changeable and customizable. You just need a little patience.
Now you get it.Nine Tips to Start Your Journey Rise of the Ronincommitment Japan in the 19th century. Of course, this is a massive action RPG, and despite putting over 55 hours into it, I still haven’t finished it. No doubt I missed something, but these nine tips are a great starting point for beginners, so venture into the Bakumatsu era with some solid advice for building a new Japan.