Dragon’s Dogma 2 There are multiple endings.Most players only need to defeat one to see final boss; The other one is a bit hidden and you might not be able to find it organically.If you missed this true ending, not only will you not see the proper ending to the story, but you won’t get a chance to see an important part of the game either. If you’re worried about getting the wrong ending, we’ll cover how to unlock the final part of the game here. While we’ll try to avoid spoilers where possible, some details need to be described specifically, so read at your own risk.
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The difference lies in Dragon’s Dogma 2 It was during Mission Legacy. In it, you can choose to fight the dragon or take a different route. In order to get the true ending, you have to choose to face the dragon, but that’s not enough to reach the game’s proper conclusion. After agreeing to fight, you will ride on the back of the dragon to your desired battle venue.
You maintain control in this section and can climb up the dragon as you travel to your destination. Don’t just stand on its back and wait, instead climb up to the dragon’s chest and use the Enhanced God’s Blade in your inventory.You will receive this item during the main quest, and using it on the Dragon’s Heart can put you on the path to achieving your goal Dragon’s Dogma 2the true ending. A few other things happen, which we won’t spoil here, and then you enter a place called the “Unmoored World.” That’s when you know you’re on the right path.
From then on, you’re on your own, Arisen.Well, unless you want to check out some of our other guides, like general tips and a roundup of good things to know when making your way through the world Dragon’s Dogma 2.For more on Capcom’s long-awaited RPG, check out my citycomment of.