My Chemical Romance lead singer since 1994 Gerald Way Has been involved in comic production.In addition to working with Gabriel Bá The Umbrella Academy, he started DC’s Young Animal ImprintCollaborating with renowned artists such as Nick Derington and Becky Cloonan, who co-created Peni Parker for Marvel. After three years of absence from comics, publisher Dark Horse launched a new comic in July.
Co-written with Shaun Simon (his collaborator) The real life of a wonderful slasher) and plotted as Judge Dredd’s Chris Weston, Paranoid Garden Described as “Derek meet doctor who during six psychotic episodes. ” The book centers on a care center worker named Lou who decides to rise through the ranks at her (possibly sentient) hospital, but not without some obstacles: in addition to a corrupt staff and a theme park cult. Additionally, she must face “her own” personal demons and traumas to meet this challenge and discover what secrets the garden holds.”
Way said: “I’m excited to be back with my incredibly handsome and talented brother Sean Simon from Another Basement, and honored to have the brilliant Chris Weston join us to create a vision A powerful and emotionally tangible physical object is this comic. Now I can more fully share something we’ve been wanting to share for a long time, and work with this amazing group of people in the process.”
Weston said in his own statement that he, Simon and Way created “a wild and psychedelic story that combines Kafkaesque nightmares with sweet Silver Age reverie. […] You’ll discover a strange sanitarium populated by aliens, ghosts, and caped heroes recovering from psychotic episodes. The land upon which it was built was warm and fertile; and coveted by the minions of Mammon. It’s the perfect remedy for anyone suffering from superhero fatigue and needing to tackle some of the more convoluted and unpredictable issues. “
Paranoid Garden There are six periods in total, which will start on July 17.
[via Deadline]
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