Using a walking mat to stay in shape in the comfort of your own home is a great idea, but it doesn’t seem to be the only reason people buy this type of exercise equipment.
A woman has revealed why she bought herself a walking mat in a video that quickly went viral on social media, sparking debate online.
In the hilarious video shared on TikTok on Friday under the username kennarwood, the poster was initially seen briefly stepping on the walking mat, along with the caption: “My husband thinks I bought the walking mat because…”
However, the next photo reveals what she actually bought the gadget for. A subsequent caption read: “I actually bought this for…”
The woman can be seen putting some Skittles on the pad after cleaning it with it. She propped up the mat with some books and placed her mouth on the back end of the mat. The woman then tries to catch the falling candy on the rolling mat, like a video game.
“I couldn’t help but give it a try hahaha but it’s a lot harder than it looks, have you guys tried it?” the caption asked.

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Physical activity has incredible benefits for our health, and every adult between the ages of 18 and 64 should engage in at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity, or at least 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity per week Aerobic physical activity according to the World Health Organization.
“To help reduce the adverse health effects of sedentary behavior, all adults and older adults should engage in moderate to vigorous-intensity physical activity above recommended levels,” the World Health Organization says.
The video quickly attracted viewers from TikTok. To date, the video has been viewed more than 2 million times on the platform and has been liked more than 96,800 times.
One user, Carlie Zitkus, commented: “How does it work on carpet? I’m considering getting one but I’m worried about it overheating.” Emily said: “Damn you only caught one the first time haha Ha ha.”
“Oh, now I know how to use my walking mat,” WinterCat wrote. Shafa Khadiman quipped: “Remember that episode of Running Man where we did this challenge?”
Weekly newspaper Kennawood was contacted for comment via email. We were unable to verify the details of the case.
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