Marvel didn’t reveal it yesterday Another upcoming video game: Marvel Rivalsa team-based multiplayer shooter inspired by Overwatch and Valuation. But among its roster of stalwarts — Storm and Magneto, Guardians of the Galaxy stars Star-Lord and Rocket, and, of course, more than a few of the assembled Avengers — there’s one figure that stands out among many stand out. But she’s not as unknown as you might think.
Who is Luna Snow?
Her real name is Seol Hee, and she is a K-pop idol who plays in a band called Luna, who was transformed into a mutant after a concert at a Stark Industries-sponsored arena. Captured by AIM and held hostage in a malfunctioning fusion reactor, Luna discovered that her shattered cage gave herself cryokinetic powers, using them to defeat AIM and free herself and the other hostages. Now adding “Snow” to her idol’s name and becoming a part-time superhero and K-pop star, Luna steps into the wider world of Marvel heroes with the revamped Agents of Atlas team while managing her touring duties.
She is not a new character
Most people are interested in Luna’s excellent appearance in the movie. opponent— especially for a character more familiar from the comics or one amplified by the presence of the Marvel Cinematic Universe — might consider her a new creation for the game. But Luna has actually been around for six years…and she was actually created for a game, but not this one.
Luna was developed as an original character for mobile games Marvel Future Fight In 2018, Korean developer Netmarble is looking to add a unique ice hero to its roster, as well as introduce a new local hero. Luna is getting a big push, and not just because future battle, but promoted her music as an icon through a series of music videos.Over the years, she’s grown beyond her looks future battlemostly in other games; before she was confirmed opponentA year later, she actually appeared in another NetEase Marvel game, the 2019 MOBA Marvel Super Wars.

She actually appeared in the comics
This isn’t just a game, either.when she appears future battle, Netmarble handed Luna over to Greg Pak and Gang Hyuk Lim to join the next generation of comic team Agents of Atlas. Originally a team made up of characters from when Marvel was Atlas Comics in the 1950s (hence the name), the publisher relaunched the team in 2019 to bring several characters, including Luna, into the fold. The famous Asian and Asian traditional heroes unite as a team.
Formed by Jimmy Woo and featuring Luna alongside Shang-Chi, Silk, Sword Master and others, the group first appeared on war of realms event series; Luna got her own spotlight solo comic and became a regular on the show. atlas agents 2019 is still in progress.After it ended, Luna was basically relegated to a brief team appearance silk and other event titles, as well as selections such as Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Specials Marvel Voices: Identity.
Luna’s powers, explained
Okay, that’s her yes, but what does she do?Luna’s abilities are designed to surround her with future battle—Netmarble wanted to create a character with ice-themed powers and wanted them to play a mechanical role, dealing damage while providing healing abilities to allies. This results in her cryokinesis being slightly different from other ice-themed heroes like Bobby Drake: Luna creates and manipulates two different types of ice. Black ice forms her offensive and defensive abilities, while light ice has restorative properties that heal and sustain Luna and her allies.
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