Final Fantasy VII Reborn arrive February 29, 2024, and it’s been a really great time ever since.Today, March 21, 2024, see rebirth Get a new patch with some features you should try as well as some fixes to character abilities including new options that will ensure Games It’s easier to play.
This guide will cover all the tuning areas and aspects of the game that you should check out. Some elements of the patch, like general bug fixes, are a little harder to “test” accurately, but there are some new options here that you should definitely mess around with.
No, sorry, Chadley is still in this game Although there is a new patch that fixes this problem (you can skip his call although! ).
Try new graphics mode options
once Since the demo On the digital shelves of the PlayStation Store, rebirthThe graphics have always been a topic of conversation.exist My review of the game, I lamented that Performance mode was just too soft and blurry, making the slower framerate of “Graphics” mode more welcome. Of course, combat is easier to read and play at higher frame rates.
read more: Final Fantasy VII Reborn: this my city review
I’ll be testing the new visual options to see if my opinion on this changes.stay tuned Our guide to graphics options Make an update.
The patch notes also list general visual improvements as well as a more stable framerate across the board. So if you’re like me and aren’t seriously offended by the 30 frames per second frame rate, graphics mode might end up looking better for you.

Red XIII gets some combat buffs
The new patch highlights two Red XIII skills, “Super Zeal” and “Watcher’s Soul”, because it was too easily offset by enemy attacks before. Now, it should be easier to activate these after the patch.
read more: 15 essential Final Fantasy VII Reborn side quests
Red can obtain these two abilities from the Amethyst and the Mystic Collar respectively. You can find the first one in Chapter 7 of Old South Corel Mine. rebirthand the mysterious collar can be found in the transfer hall of the Taoist Cave.
For a complete list of all rebirthweapons, check Our guide on this topic is listed here.
The enemy may initiate a more intense battle
If you have played so much rebirth Like me, you may have noticed that enemies sometimes exhibit a strange tendency to just do nothing. To me, this was most apparent in the single-player combat arena beneath Corel Prison.
The new patch addresses “a specific situation that would cause enemies to freeze.”So, yes, some battles are likely to be more intense – just enough for most people to be prepared for Hard mode runs!
Try new difficulty options in Fort Condor and Gears and Gambits
It’s no secret that Fort Condor and Gears and Gambits (which are very similar strategy combat games) are a bit difficult for players. Today’s patch adds difficulty options to both games, so you can get through them more easily if they fight too much.
Also, if you’re totally lost on Gears and Gambits, check out Our guide to mini-games is here.
Thank God: Inverted camera controls carry over to mini-games
If you’re an inverted Y-camera girl (or guy, or nb) like me, then you’re undoubtedly frustrated by the following facts: Pirate’s Rampage and Chocobo Glide Ignore your camera control configuration.
This is no longer the case. Pirate’s Rampage and Glide de Chocobo will now correctly recognize your correctly inverted camera controls.
Today’s patch notes Various bug fixes are also detailed, such as correcting some in-game text issues, although it doesn’t look like the super-cluttered “Retry Battle” screen (we have There is also a guide here). Apparently, it’s also possible to soft-lock yourself out of certain sections. All parts of the main story should now flow smoothly.